1) Young adults ministry going through some major changes
- We are in desperate need of young adults who have a passion for this ministry. Who want to exercise their talents and gifts while building community with others.
- I recently just became the worship coordinator for the group which means I would love to meet you if you know how to lead because we need more worship leaders.
- I love how God has put this passion in my heart. I didn't know this was what I really had a heart for... I would love to see the young adults in this city be able to come together and learn to live life and love God fully.
- Dustin is teaching me all about stage set up and sound.
- Soon he is going to teach me about how to play around with loops
- My guitar playing is being stretched and my finger tips hate me
- Learning how to really lead a band and know how to instruct each instrument has been quite the challenge.
- How to really worship while being on stage and having multiple distractions
- Wanting to see more of a "family" aspect with the band members... I seriously love them.
- Showing the students how powerful prayer is and why it's important to pray for others.
- Opening up to the girls and letting them get to know me and all my weirdness.
- A lot of great books to read
- How to be a great leader and train others to be leaders.
5) I was hesitant to put this up here but eh, why not... James.
- It's not hard to find time to hang out with him since he works at the Vineyard
- Over the past 4 months he has become my best friend
- He somehow can listen to my crazy rants and help sort out my scattered thoughts
- He has a passion for the young adults community as well. So we push each other in that area.
- His smile aint to shabby either.
- He is showing me a lot more than what a good boyfriend looks like... with the help of God of course.
- He makes me laugh the hardest and doesn't get offended easily... thank God.
- And he wont let me freak out and run away... which happened a lot before.
So pretty much these are the vague things I spoke of earlier. For a while I was having a hard time seeing what God was doing in my life. That caused me to doubt to the point where I just didn't know what to really think anymore. But what would faith be if it was easy? God is continuously showing me what it looks like to live for him day to day. Instead of some big grand adventure that people love hearing about, it's the small things I am listening for. Writing all this out helps me see how much God is pushing me and slowly shifting my life in a new direction. God has put all of this together... I can't take any credit. I never thought I would be doing any of this... on top of that, I never thought I would be with a guy like James haha. Just shows God's sense of humor.
To most people on paper, I look like I don't have anything going for me. I have no college degree or job right now. But I know that God has something up His sleeve and I am not worried about what my future looks like. As long as I am chasing after Him and open to the opportunity to be a servant to the advancement of the Kingdom... I'll be alright.
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