I am officially 22.
I would say this was a successful birthday weekend. For the first time in many years, I officially pulled off a birthday party that wasn't awkward. The festivities started on Friday and didn't end till Monday night.
Friday was just ridiculous. My sister AND Lisa (plus Josh) got to come up from Tennessee to celebrate! I love and miss the both of them so much, I always love excuses to see them. Everyone first meets at my house and then we head over to combine parties with James at the Brazenhead Irish Pub in sweet little Mason Ohio! It was his birthday as well (ok, his REAL birthday) and we wanted to celebrate at least the first half of it together! He somehow scored us their "banquet" room and when the music started, it got rowdy. Somehow both groups seemed to get along without too much awkwardness and when the dancing started, it didn't matter anymore. I love how much friends can bring the party anywhere... doesn't matter what the atmosphere is because we will take over. At one point we had our friend Danny and the bar stool he was sitting on up in the air! I was a little worried about his safety and whether or not we would get kicked out hah. Overall that was a success. Then we all headed back to my house and devoured all the queso, chips, hummus, salsa and popcorn we could get our hands on. All the while shooting nerf guns at random targets. All of this followed up by making the most amazing fort my living room has ever seen!
We are kind of a big deal.
We all passed out and the next morning made breakfast and hung out until people headed home.
Saturday was filled with worship practice, church and then James came over and I made dinner for/with him. That was tasty even though we didn't finish eating until 11:30pm, oops!
Sunday was wonderful because my parents finally returned home.
Monday, Rachel headed back home which was sad. But then we went over to Michael Pickett's house to eat the AMAZING dinner he cooked for all of us. This man is one of Cincinnati's best. He has cooked for people such as Frank Sinatra and multiple presidents and he wanted to cook for me and my friends for my birthday :). He served us this wine that was just so smooth and cooked us roast that melted in your mouth. Then, for dessert he made me a Raspberry Infused Flaming Baked Alaska cake.
Yeah, it tasted just as good as it looks.
Basically this was the best birthday EVER! What he did was light the top on fire by drizzling a liquor or rum on top and then throwing sugar on top of that. Oh boy, it was heaven.
I really don't have anything to complain about. I'm so privilege to have the friend and family I do... Jesus has seriously blessed me. All I can do is continuously thank Him for each day I am given.
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