Anyways, the benefit show was incredible. We packed almost 100 people in Taza! The bands were all incredible and everyone played for free. It ended up just being a massive party and I don't know one single person that didn't enjoy themselves. I couldn't have asked for better music... it was such a blast. Who knew benefits could be so much fun?! Anyways, without Briana and the girls... none of this would have happened. God seriously answered every single one of our prayers about the night and even took it to the next level. We ended up raising over $800 and I couldn't stop smiling all night. That is going to help me out tremendously. I still have a lot to raise but this helped me out a ton!
Tomorrow is Chic-Fil-A night. The owners are gracious enough to give me 15% of all food sales between the hours of 5-8pm. And I just so happen to get lucky and do this the week of SOS. They even put an announcement on a flyer for all 800 students to see at the conference! So hopefully we jam pack Chic-Fil-A with loads and loads of Jr. and High School students.
So anyways... thank God for my amazing friends who have helped me out with everything. I've never met such a giving group and I am blessed to have them in my life. It's hard to meet people who never ask for anything in return and genuinely just want to help because they love you. It makes you want to give to them so much more. Crazy how that works right?
Thought I'd share a few of our greatest moments...

Yeah... we're a special group sometimes...
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