February 3, 2009

17 days

It's funny how people come and go so quickly. I love how I have been spending so much time with people that mean more to me than they will ever know. I don't know if Lisa and Britt will ever know how much they have done in the past years I've known them. Moving into a new house without Lisa was absolutely terrible. We've always been able to see each other at "home" and now we have to plan out our hang outs which is just weird. Not a bad thing, just makes the idea of the future change even more relevant. I don't think it really hit me that I was moving back to Cincinnati until I was driving out of Nashville to the Brentwood house and realized that this house was only temporary. I don't want to unpack anything because I'm only going to be there for 17 more days.

God totally knows what He's doing. I feel like moving to Brentwood prepared my heart for the idea of moving away and made it not feel so distant. I have to get used to driving everywhere anyway.

I was talking to Shelby today and we were talking about all the funny/interesting people here in Nashville. The people who try so hard to be different and how it makes Nashville a very funny place to live. I can't count how many fascinating people I have met here. I say fascinating because there were times where I didn't understand why some people would do the things they did. Or why some men wore deeper V-necks than I ever would.

(P.s. I just spaced out for a second and spelled "would" like "wood" hahaha! Oh, maybe I should go back to college...)

Honestly, as much as I make fun of Nashville "trendy-ness"... I sure am gonna miss it. At least there is color, imagination, and young folks exploring their dreams. I feel like there aren't too many dead souls here. But I know I can't stay here since my "dream" isn't in Nashville anymore. I need to be out in the world and I find myself getting stuck in this weird state of mind. I feel like Nashville does that to a lot of people though. It's really easy to settle here becuase there is no real reason to leave. It's a nice city, easy to meet people, good music, and a good amount of things to do. It really is a small town with a city feel to it. Unfortunately Fire Finch isn't my life dream and calling... or else I'd be set. I don't think I even want to be set at the ripe age of 20.

I need to find a place like Fido in Cincinnati cause I have a feeling that's going to be the only thing that keeps me sane.

Man, I'm really going to miss some people here. Luckily the weekend after I move is my birthday and Lisa and Britt are coming up to visit me for the weekend!! I can already tell they are going to be a breath of fresh air... that first week in Cincy is going to be rough. Even just the faces that I see on a regular basis working in the village are going to be missed. The fact that I can walk into Harris Teeter and know half the staff there is hilarious to me! This city is seriously so small.


Anonymous said...

so sad and yet glad and rad, not bad but maybe just a tad, it's good you can tell your dad, cause it's not just a fad, and yes I am a silly lad.

britta said...

I love you Katiekins.

and will miss you terribly.

of course, i'm gearing up for my departure as well.

hmm. oh well. God knows the story. I think it's gonna be a good one.

dave workman said...

Honest and though-provoking, Katie. But remember, there's always a bright side: Nashville's loss is my gain. Whoohoo!

Anonymous said...

ah! this just made me tear up a little. yes, it's possible. :)

i love you!!

Allie, Dearest said...

I can't believe that I'm going to go back home for the weekends and there will be no poetry to go back to.

I hope you like my old room. I prayed in it a lot.

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