So for a while I was feeling pretty abandoned and alone in my house. After a few different conversations and one break down I am now okay with it. I actually enjoy the fact that I can stomp around my room and wont get a text from my roommate saying, "seriously katie, did you gain 300 pounds or what?" I am getting a taste of what living by myself is going to feel like. I love it but hate it. Being around people is what feeds my energy and when I am alone, it takes a little convincing to get me to go out. A little... not a lot.
I'm really going to miss Nashville. I'm excited for what's next but man... there are some people and places that have meant so much to me. I can't believe how attached I am to a silly coffee shop... it's not the coffee though. It's because I know for a fact I will see someone I know as soon as I walk in or at some point. I am not popular in any way... it's just the way Fido works. I know which creepy men to avoid, I know my favorite place to sit, and I know I will hear great music while sipping on a warm caramel latte (cept in the summer). I know I will find cool places like this in Cincinnati, but my routine and comfort zone is shot for a while.

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